Friday, July 11, 2008


I used to revel in a nice sunny, warm day - and parts of my soul still do - but bright, piercing light is one thing that frequently makes me want to crawl into a dark closet to combat migraine symptoms.

Light - specifically bright summer sunshine - is a constant trigger for me. I can wake up feeling fairly stable and all it takes is the contrast between my dark bedroom and my bright kitchen to start my auras spinning.

My husband doesn't experience migraines (fortunately) and I've tried to help him understand what I see when I have an aura. Here are two images that I found online that help illustrate what the world looks like when my head starts to plays tricks on me.
These images are from

Because I am living DESPITE my migraine and not in fear or because of my migraine - I am going to revel and enjoy this fabulous Seattle sunny day in my garden for the part of my soul that needs nourishing.

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Headache / Migraine News From Medical News Today