Why am I doing this?
Because I need a vehicle to express my migraine experiences. I know I can't be the only person out there who is suffering from constant migraines.
Why am I seeking an outlet on the Internet to journal and write about my migraine experiences?
Because I figure it's "greener" than writing on paper and easier than going to my local hospital support group for headache sufferers.
What is it that I hope to gain from this?
I hope to find other people who live happy, successful, productive lives to help encourage me to keep hoping and striving.
My Story...
I've had migraines for most of my life that I can recall. I remember as a child having these debilitating headaches on one side of my head and not being able to see "normally." When I hit puberty, a doctor suggested that I probably have what are called "migraine" headaches. Until I was about 19, I didn't seek treatment for my headaches; I just called in sick to work, missed school or tried to just tough it out.
From about the age of 20 until last December, (with the exception of some bad months and recovering from a closed head injury) I had about a migraine a month or so - maybe less sometimes. But starting December 18, 2007, I've had a constant daily migraine of varying intensity. It hasn't stopped. I am stuck in a migraine loop. I can't work the job that I had, I can't live the life that I know. I am disabled at 28, but I am exhausted living this painful existance and am going to do all that I can to get on with my life.
Eventually - I would like to look back on this time in my life and think about what a learning opportunity this all was. I also hope that maybe I can help someone else who is suffering from migraines to know that they aren't alone.
So that is my story.
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